About NZ Rimu

One of New Zealand's most beautiful and useful trees, its straight, tapering trunk is clearly distinguishable from its native contemporaries, towering at heights of up to 50m with a diameter of some 2m at maximum growth cycle. It is easily recognised by its spreading crown and pendulous branchlets, and in natural stands maturity is reached in approximately 300 years, however the actual life-span can range between 800 - 900 years. The Rimu is a true rainforest tree and in some environments is the main canopy tree, while in others, more scattered and irregularly placed as an emergent tree from the existing forest line. Rimu was formerly abundant in lowland and hilly forests throughout the North, South & Stewart islands, from sea level up to 600m. Main standing reserves are on the West coast of the South Island.
The rimu has been the principal native timber tree of New Zealand, being used for all aspects of building, panelling, plywood manufacture etc. The heartwood is usually beautifully grained making it exceptionally suitable for furniture making.